Να προσθέσω οτι εγω ειμαι ο δεύτερος που εξαπατήθηκα απο τον βλάκα .το αστείο ειναι οτι δεν με δικαίωσαν. Φάγανε τα καντήλια της χρονιάς τους (βαρέθηκα να στέλνω mail σε ολα τα eBay )και μου δωσαν 5 μέρες περιθώριο απο χθες να συμπληρώσω μια εκθεση και να την στειλω. . .ακουσον άκουσον
Dear Antonis,
I am writing you about Greece, 5 Drachmen 1833 (291350171018) that you recently purchased. We understand it can be disappointing when a package arrives and it is empty. We want to make sure we address your concerns today.
In order to continue with the investigation of your eBay Money Back Guarantee case, please provide eBay with a declaration confirming that you received an empty box.
Please make sure the declaration below is filled out completely and correctly, then sign, date, and return it to us. You can scan the document and then upload it via the link below. If you’re unable to scan the declaration, please fax it to (303) 395-2829. This is a US fax number. If you're faxing from outside the US, you'll probably need to dial 001 before the number.
Please upload document via this link:
https://ocs.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?OCSUploadMemberDocuments&action=signin&deptName=USMemberAppealsIn the comments section, please add "Case ID 5078400317"; this will allow us to track and link your documents with this concern. Once you have selected your documents, you will want to select the General document type. Select send and wait for the confirmation to appear to ensure your documents have been submitted for review.
Please make sure that your documents meet the following requirements:
They must be in the *.gif, *.jpg, *.png, or PDF file formats.
For security reasons, they must not be aggregated (compressed) or executable files.
The total size of the documents cannot be greater than 20 megabytes (MB).
Each file cannot be larger than 2 MB.
The declaration must be filled out with your name, case number, and eBay item number, then signed and dated. If the declaration doesn't contain all of this information, you may not receive a refund or be able to appeal a case. If you'd like to add additional information, please put it under the signature in the declaration. If the declaration is altered in anyway, we will not be able to accept it.
We must receive your documentation within 5 days of the date of this email so we can investigate your case. If we don't receive your fax by then, your case will be closed. Unfortunately, we can't give extensions to the time period. We'll reply with an update on your case within 72 hours of receiving your declaration.
Thanks for all your help. We're sorry for any inconvenience.